An Interview with Parshu Dahal

Welcome to Wandering Souls of Sikkim!  Parshu Dahal's 'The Lama Who Never Was', a collection of short stories was released recently. An Officer in the Sikkim Police, Dahal is from the beautiful village called Gelling in West Sikkim. Anita Sharma of the Wandering Souls of Sikkim talked with the author about his book and his... Continue Reading →

INTERVIEW: UN Volunteer Sangita Dahal

"Volunteering is the commitment of time and energy for the benefit of society and the community, the environment or individuals outside one's immediate family. It is undertaken freely and by choice, without concern for financial gain."  United Nations Volunteer Sangita Dahal holds a masters degree in Sociology and is currently working as a District Youth... Continue Reading →

POEM: Love at First Sight

  - Anupam Sharma As I began to experience the beauty of light, it started with a frequent someone. Someone, I didn't know how pretty she was, but her beauty, her beauty used to touch me. Someone, I didn't know how daring she was, but her intensive care, it used to dozz me off, out... Continue Reading →

YOUNG ACHIEVER: An Interview with Sunny Kharel

Welcome to Wandering Soul of Sikkim ! Civil Services Examinations are considered to be the toughest ones given the vastness of syllabus and the degree of competition. Specially, because of the bright career prospect and an opportunity to serve the society, that awaits an individual after clearing these examinations, enormously large number of young people... Continue Reading →

Illuminating Writer’s Corner

No no! You are mistaken She is not a robot! She is a human she too bleed and clot. Yes! she works eighteen plus hours in twentyfour, She gets to smell new clothes twice a year, but she is not poor. When daylight fades slowly and darkness creep through the door, She suffers the wait,... Continue Reading →


Lomas Dhungel  So much are we nourished and cared by nature that we can aptly use the term “Mother” when we talk about her. With the modern definition of “development” we have created a world full of non-biodegradable wastes that ultimately give birth to serious problems like pollution, global warming, diseases and many more. Thus... Continue Reading →

Avishek’s Photo Corner  

Sikkim's natural beauty and peace loving people makes it a heavenly place to live in. Here's some of the breathtakingly amazing photographs by one of the Wandering Souls: Avishek Khatiwara. To go to our page in Facebook Click Wandering Soul of Sikkim

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